Naomi Watanabe Japanese Beyonce

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Naomi is the known as the “Japanese Beyonce” Naomi is a fashion designer, comedian and actress. She is known as the Japanese Beyonce because in 2008 she did a viral impression of Beyonce. She is on the Japanese version on SNL, Social media super star, host of a competition tv show and has a fashion line called Punyus which loosely translates to “chubby”.

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This woman is super awesome with 6 million instagram followers but everyone is obessesed with that fact that she is bigger. As if it is impossible for Naomi reached to so much fame while being overweight. Granted she began famous through comedy, I am kind of tired of fat being equivalent to funny, as an example Melissa McCarthy.
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When you google Naomi her weight pops up which is ridiculous. Why can’t she just be fabulous and big? I guess it is some kind of novelty to see a plus-size Japanese woman when Japan has only a 3% obesity rate. Naomi Watanabe.png

“You don’t see many plus-sized women around here,” Watanabe said, “But rather than trying to change other people’s minds, I would like to help change the minds of bigger women, to help them feel good about themselves.”


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